Andrew Digan

Religious Education Teacher
For many generations of students, imagining Daramalan College without Mr Digan (1986) is impossible. Probably not many of you know, however, that Mr Digan has two Bachelor Degrees in both Administration and Education, tried himself as a Soccer Coach, Primary School Teacher, worked at the Department of Immigration, Australia Post and even a Mexican Restaurant before returning to Daramalan College as an RE Teacher in 2008.
What is the fondest memory of your time at Daramalan?
Playing marbles, basketball and touch footy at lunch times.
Who was your favourite teacher?
Ms Hatfield in Year 11, Mr McGergan in 5th grade.
Are you staying connected to the Daramalan community outside of your classes?
I still catch up with former students. I have six close friends from school, and we all catch up when we can. I find as soon as you say I am an ex-Dara student, a whole conversation can change or open up doors.
What are you most proud of in your life?
My wife and son. I met my wife Sarah here, and Eddie, even at 6, tells me he’s coming to Dara.
What is your advice for current and former students?
Get into adventures, and be kind to people.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
The chance to travel overseas every holiday. After I have done all the marking of course.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Speaking German so I can understand what Sarah and Eddie are saying.
Who is your favourite fiction/movie character?
Han Solo, Star Wars and the young Obi One Kenobi, Star Wars Clone Wars.