Daramalan College Community Trivia Night

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What a great night! Our recent Trivia Fundraiser was more than just a fun event—it was a celebration of our alumni community.  

Last Friday, over 100 people came together to make this evening a success: local businesses, former students, parents, staff and volunteers. This night would not be possible without all your support. 

A special thank you to our BRILLIANT MC Mr Ben McGee (2003) who was without doubt the star of the night, making it fun for every participant. Team “The Alliterators”, from our English Department, won first prize while at the other end a wooden spoon was presented, painted by our Visual Arts teacher Mr John Vukovic, to the team that earned it. 

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who either participated, donated, played games or bought an auction item to support us. Together we were able to raise more than $2600 for the Daramalan College Scholarship Fund which provides financial assistance to eligible families whose situation might otherwise exclude them from giving their child an MSC education.  

The Daramalan College Scholarship Fund, established in 2013, aims to offer scholarships to several students each year with the long-term goal of supporting scholarship recipients through a self-sustaining fund. Events like this help us to keep the momentum going as we continue to nurture our school community. 

Thank you once again, to everyone, for making our trivia night a success!