Scholarship Fund

Daramalan College Scholarship Fund
Dear Alumni and Families,
Since 1962, Daramalan College has been providing financial assistance to eligible families whose situation would exclude them from giving their child an MSC (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart) education.

The Daramalan College Scholarship Fund was established in 2013 and aims to offer scholarships to several students each year with the long term goal of supporting scholarship recipients through a self-sustaining fund.
How can you help the student Scholarship Fund
Please consider making a donation to the Daramalan College Scholarship Fund. All donations, irrespective of size, will make a meaningful contribution to assist young people who would not otherwise be able to attend Daramalan College due to financial hardship.
During each year at the beginning of Term 3, applications for our annual scholarships open, providing financial assistance to students whose families are experiencing significant financial need. Since 2008, the Scholarship Fund has supported an average of 5 students each year and we are aiming to continue this level of support in 2025.
If you are able to make a contribution before 30 June, you will receive a tax benefit for the financial year. Tax deductible contributions can be made in the following ways:
1. Direct transfer to the Scholarship Fund account:
Daramalan Scholarship Fund
BSB 062786
A/c 00029206
Reference: Please include your surname and email the College Accountant [email protected] for a tax-deductible receipt.
2. Qkr! app: For current families familiar with Qkr! for excursion and sports payments, you can also contribute to the Scholarship Fund.
- Simply log in, select a profile and the ‘Donations’ category.
- Enter the amount you wish to donate and choose ‘Checkout’, where you can select your payment method.
- If you have enabled auto receipts, a receipt will be emailed to you, otherwise select the ‘View Receipt’ button and the email option to receive a receipt.
3. Phone: Please contact our office on 6245 6300 to make a payment by credit card over the phone.
If you would like to arrange an ongoing pledge, please contact the College Accountant [email protected] for further details.
Whether you are able to contribute at this time or not, thank you for your ongoing support of the Daramalan College Community.