Tom Ross

We are pleased to share the much-anticipated profile of Daramalan College Rugby Star Thomas Ross (2016)! The Ross family is another family closely related to the school (as I’m sure many of you know). Find out what Thomas is doing now, what his most cherished achievement is, and what special pre-game rituals make him such a great Rugby player!

How did Daramalan College influence your life?     

I met lifelong friends with whom I still keep in touch today. Daramalan gave me the chance to be myself and prepared me for life after school.  


What is your fondest memory of your time at Daramalan?    

Most of mine were Rugby related. Handball in the quad in Year 10 was always competitive. The banter thrown around the College Common Room was always a highlight. 


Who was your favourite teacher?   

I had so many great teachers, and it’s hard to single them out, but if I had to pick a few, Year 7 and 8 Science teacher Mr Povey (he’s a Bulldogs fan). My PT class with Mrs Francis. 


What are you doing now, or what have you been up to? 

Currently playing Super Rugby for the Waratahs. And previously, I played for the Brumbies. 


What do you think is your most significant career and life achievement? 

Making my debut for the Brumbies at GIO stadium in front of all my friends and family. My best mate Mack Hansen and I made our debut at the same game which was pretty special, and I’ll always have that memory with me. 


What do you like to do outside of sport?  

I like to do things I’m not good at, for example, golf and surfing. 


What is your advice for current students?     

The obvious one is to enjoy school while you can because when you leave school, you’ll always look back at what you’ll refer to as the good old days. The thing that you forget when you leave school is that you go from seeing your best friends every single day to catching up every now and again. I will always miss that. 


What is your idea of perfect happiness?        

I think I am my happiest when I have the right people around me. Spending time with family and mates and enjoying the little things, in that situation nothing else matters. (Real answer: South Durras, friends and family and a cold beer). 


Which talent would you most like to have?     

I would like to play the guitar really well (again, another thing I’m not good at). 


What is your favourite not Rugby team?  

As hard as it has been for the last couple of years, I follow the Bulldogs in the NRL. 


Do you have any interesting pre-game rituals or lucky charms?  

I write down three key things I want to do in the game in my notebook. I also have a lucky Liverpool scarf that I take to every game, which has a lot of meaning to me. 

Posted By , 27 Mar 2024

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